It’s rare to see a construction site or car dealership without some sort of camera security system. The threat of being caught on tape deters many petty thieves. Moreover, the footage collected from security cameras gives companies a chance at recouping their losses. Security systems also lower company liability in the case of theft.
So it’s clear that every Houston-area business needs security, but what qualities matter the most? If you’re looking to secure a construction site or auto dealership, pay close attention to the following qualities before choosing a system.
Video is vital
It’s hard to find a surveillance camera these days that doesn’t operate with video, but the quality can vary wildly. Unless you have a security team constantly watching the footage, a security camera will do little to stop theft as it happens. Instead, cameras work as a deterrent, because perpetrators don’t want to risk exposing their face to the cameras. Consider the quality of the footage available from any given security camera. If the police took a look at it, would they stand a chance of identifying the thief?
Surveillance systems should be set up to last
Perhaps the second most important quality of a good security system is its longevity. For businesses in southern Texas and Louisiana, these systems are not cheap. Having to replace even part of the system is not only time consuming and expensive, it can leave your business vulnerable while repairs are made. Since cameras set up in auto dealerships and construction sites are almost exclusively outdoors, they are susceptible to weather damage or vandalism.
Theft affects more than just finished products
If you run an auto dealership or construction business, your biggest concerns are your expensive automobiles, equipment, or build sites. These can be an intimidating target for a lot of thieves, and stealing parts can be easier and more profitable in some cases. Be sure to include security around areas that store supplies and employee possessions.
Mobile surveillance
Does the security system have a mobile component? Mobile surveillance is vital for construction sites, auto dealerships, and most other businesses, especially those that operate with large amounts of inventory or materials. Mobile surveillance allows you to equip trucks and other transitory company property with cameras as they enter and leave their businesses in Montgomery and Harris counties, Texas. The footage from these mobile systems helps dramatically lessen company liability should anything happen while goods are being delivered.
If you have questions about the best surveillance solution for your Texas or Southern Louisiana business, Contact Birdseye Surveillance for more information and to get a free quote.

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